In addition to patron accessible eBook download services, we are offering the following selected list of links to databases and sites that we have tested. Some are free, some charge, and some offer a mix, while a few offer online-only reading (no downloads). We have tried to note what options are on each site.
The library also has a limited number of individual eBooks that are freely accessible through the MAGIC catalog.
FREE | = | [F] |
FREE & FEE | = | [M] |
PAY SITE | = | [$] |
DOWNLOAD | = | [D] |
Project Gutenberg - Over 38,000 available eBooks; the pioneer in online eBooks in multiple formats. Some audiobook files are also available. [F] [B]
The Internet Archive -- Thousands of downloadable books, movies, music, and audiofiles on a wide variety of topics in mulitiple formats. [F] [B]
Open Library -- Provides links to over one million eBooks in multiple formats and languages. [F] [B] -- More than 29,000 ad-free eBooks in multiple formats. [F] [D]
LibriVox -- A project that provides free public domain audiobooks as files or podcasts. [F] [B]
The International Digital Children's Library -- A collection of both modern and classic books for children from around the world. [F] [O]
Children's Books Online: The Rosetta Project -- An online library of older illustrated children's books, many with accompanying audio files. [F] [O]
CC Prose Kids -- A collection of closed- and open-captioned versions of classic children's books that are narrated and illustrated (hosted on YouTube). [M] [O]
BookBoon -- Source for free downloadable college textbooks, business books, and travel guides. [F] [D]
IRS Tax Publication eBooks -- Free IRS eBooks for mobile devices are provided in the ePub format. [F] [B]
The Digital Comics Museum -- An online collection of "golden age" comic books from a variety of publishers. [F] [B]
BookRix -- A social media site and self-publishing location for new and established authors. Complete books as well a sample chapters are posted. [F] [B]
Smashwords -- A publishing site for independent authors. Contains some free titles and samples for fee-based downloadable books. [M] [B]
Kobo eBooks -- Popular books in all genres, newspapers, and magazines. Primarily a fee-based business with access to nearly 1,000,000 free classics for site subscribers. Support for Kobo Readers, but purchases can be accessed by other devices. [M] [D]
Magatopia -- A searchable source of online editions of popular magazines as well as selected e-zines and e-journals. [F] [O]
HeadlineSpot -- A site that links to the online editions of newspapers from 56 U.S. metropolitan areas, 50 states, 59 countries, 27 industries and dozens of subjects from arts and automobiles to technology and travel. [F] [O]
Calibre -- For patrons seeking a comprehensive eBook management program for their computers, the library recommends downloading Calibre. [F] [D]